Dissemination of the European Project Wearhap at national level: an article from Calabria Region.


How to spread our research at national level: an interview to Agostino Talarico, a member of SirsLab research group of the Professor Domenico Prattichizzo in Siena, made by a newspaper of his region.

Check out the italian article at the following link: Le emozioni a portata di mano- Il Corriere della Calabria- May 8, 2014

MICRON: the journal of ecology, science and knowledge. Ed. N. 28- March 2014- Che robot mi metto oggi

Read here the article of the italian journalist Viola Bachini: “Che robot mi metto oggi”. The article show the research on wearable devices developed within the European Project Wearhap, coordinated by the Professor Prattichizzo, and some application of this project on the real life.


TuscanEasy- An important conference on Sustainable and Accessible Tourism in Cortona (Tuscany)- May 17, 2014


TuscanEasy is a project developed by a volunteer Consortium of different people from entrepreneurial, cultural and other types of associations.
The objective of the project is to create destinations, infrastructure and services without barriers to access; transport suitable for all users; high quality services by qualified personnel; activities, exhibitions, events, attractions that allow disabled people to benefit from tourism activities.
An important conference in this field will be held on Saturday (May 17, 2014) in Cortona.
Many national and international speakers, among them the Professor Domenico Prattichizzo from the University of Siena (Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics) will speak about technologies related to accessibility.

During his speach Professor Prattichizzo will explain to the audience how his research on wearable haptic devices developed in the project “WEARable HAPtics for Humans and Robots” (WEARHAP), funded by the European Union, can guide visually impaired through the tourist attractions and how this technologies represent a novel navigation approach to make cities accessible to people with vision disabilities.

Here the link to the schedule of the Conference: Turismo Accessibile, esperienze a confronto .


RADIO 24, Smart City-April 28, 2014-Robotica indossabile: il progetto WearHap

Listen here the interview conducted by the journalist Federico Pedrocchi to Professor Domenico Prattichizzo:

imagesNel vasto campo della robotica c’è un ramo di ricerca che si definisce Robotica Indossabile, a sua volta piuttosto vasto. Al suo interno si sta sviluppando una direzione di ricerca – di cui ci occuperemo nella puntata di Smart city di stasera – che mira a sviluppare dispositivi molto leggeri, come guanti, per esempio, in grado di stabilire con chi li indossa una forma di comunicazione tattile.

Si possono immaginare molte applicazioni per questo tipo di tecnologie. In particoalre, l’Università di Siena è capofila di un progetto europeo – WearHap – che ha come obbiettivo progettare una comunicazione tattile per soggetti affetti da gravi deficit percettivi, come per esempio Ipo-vedenti e non vedenti, con l’obbiettivo di aiutare queste persone a muoversi in vari ambienti, compreso – anzi specialmente – in quello urbano.

Cosa vuol dire e come fare “robotica” a Siena



In questa intervista racconto (verso la fine del video) come si può fare e cosa vuol dire fare  ricerca tecnologica avanzata in robotica in una splendida cittadina come Siena grazie a comuni tecniche di co-working remoto. _DP

Robot e “angeli tattili”: le nuove guide a distanza per ciechi | Palestra | Wind Business Factor.

The Mayor of Siena visiting our Department

Mayor and group

Photo: Dr.Valentini (Mayor of Siena), Prof. Rocchi (Head of the Dept.), Prof. Vicino, Prof.Garulli, Prof. Prattichizzo and the SirsLab group.

Here the comment of the Mayor: “ Exciting visit to the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Siena. An excellence in obtaining European Funding for the research. I’m with the Head of the Department,some professors, researchers and students of various nationalities. In the picture I’m wearing “smart” bracelets, invented for driving distance of the blind people, which use special glasses with micro-camera. This is the field of the robotics, one of the most important area of ​​scientific supply in our University.”